TMW 2024: Tours

City of Music Tallinn presents. Tallinn’s Musical Trails: Cellars of old town Wed, 3 April 19-20 (in English) Fri, 5 April 17-18 (in English) & 19-20 (in Estonian) Algus: Kuku Klubi (Vabaduse väljak 8) Lõpp: Kodulinna maja (Gümnaasiumi 3)

Tour is guided by Brigitta Davidjants

Only with pre-registration:

A musical trail is a thematic walk with an audio guide that opens up Tallinn’s diverse and rich musical culture throughout history and in the present day.

From 2022, Tallinn holds the UNESCO’s title of City of Music. There are many places here that have played an important role in the development of the local music culture and the history of the city. The first musical trail is called “Cellars of the Old Town” and it gives an overview of the entertainment and concert venues that existed in the capital’s basements in the past decades or are still operating today, and the music played in them.

The 1990s were difficult for Estonia. The country was freed from the Soviet Union, the economy had to be rebuilt, and there was a lot of poverty, unemployment and crime. However, this decade also brought the expansion of geographical boundaries and the opportunity to experiment with musical ones. Alongside the triumph of disco music, many small subcultures emerged here too, looking for their place in the newly liberated music scene. And the cellars of Old Town became the spaces that gave room to this new music.

Tallinn City Hall (Linnahall): Memories from the Musical Monument Sat, 6 Apr 11:00 - 12:00 and 16:00 - 17:00 (eng) Sun, 7 Apr 16:00 - 17:00 (est)

Tour is guided by Andres Peetson

Tallinn City Hall / Linnahall Sadama 1 Ticket 10€

Tales from the monumental seaside landmark through the ages. Linnahall (Sadama 1) Pre-registration needed:

ECADC Gallery Tour Sat, April 6 12:30 – 16:30 As part of TMW, The Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center (ECADC) hosts a special gallery tour. More information is on the TMW Art page.