Tallinn Music Week reconfirms August dates in accordance with the Estonian government’s decision to allow public events from July 

13 May 2020

According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Estonia crisis management committee on 12 May, which allows the public events with restricted attendance from July in Estonia, Tallinn Music Week (TMW) reconfirms the festival dates on 26 – 30 August.

The TMW 2020 music programme, scheduled to take place from 27 to 29 August, can be adjusted according to the agreed restrictions that set the maximum attendance for open-air events at 1,000, and attendance for indoor events at 500. The same restrictions apply to the TMW conference and the free city programme. All programme elements will be adapted during the given period by the festival team according to the emergency restrictions, while also following all the rules in force, which help to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Being an international event, TMW also takes into account the health and travel regulations abroad.

According to the Director of TMW Helen Sildna, the festival programme can be conveniently adjusted to the announced restrictions, as the events are scattered around the multiple venues and locations across the city. “One of the most essential goals for our team is to figure out how this year’s TMW can provide maximum benefit to musicians and the whole ecosystem serving music events – from sound rental companies to hotels,” she says. “This season will give the entire cultural and events sector an opportunity to be smart and responsible, and to prove that we are able to provide value and new quality even in challenging circumstances. It’s essential to inject optimism to artists, the whole sector and our audience.”

Due to the low spread of the coronavirus in Estonia, the loosening of restrictions may continue. As of 12 May, museums and galleries are open, starting from 15 May public drive-in events may be organised in the open air and from 18 May sports events without an audience are allowed. The restrictions on border crossings between Estonia and Finland will be eased as of the second half of this week, and free movement of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian residents and people legally residing in these countries will resume.

The 12th edition of the new music and city culture festival TMW, scheduled to take place on 26 – 30 August in Tallinn, Estonia, includes a three-day music programme, a conference at the Estonian Academy of Arts, free city festival events and the special Paldiski Sunday programme.

The updated festival programme, that takes into account an analysis of the consequences of the preceding emergency relief period, will be published in June.

The TMW 2020 Festival Pass is available for 65 euros, the Conference + Festival Pass for 175 euros, and the Conference Pass for 150 euros. Passes are on sale at the festival webshop. The TMW webshop also offers a 500 euros Supporter Pass for those, who would like to make a contribution to support the development of the festival, as well as the entire Estonian music industry. Telia clients receive 20% off regular prices of the TMW passes and tickets purchased ahead of the events. Additional information

TMW 2020 is presented by Telia.

TMW is organised by Shiftworks OÜ in cooperation with many partners and co-organisers. The TMW 2020 conference music industry programme is created in collaboration with the Estonian music development and export office Music Estonia, and the music programme in cooperation with the Damn.Loud agency.

TMW is supported by Ministry of Culture, Tallinn Culture Department, Cultural Endowment, Tallinn City Enterprise Department, Enterprise Estonia (EAS).

The international activities of TMW, aimed at introducing Estonia as an attractive destination for those interested in music and culture, are supported by funds from the European Regional Development Fund.