Art Pop, Avant-Garde, Dance, Electronic
Ajukaja & Mart AviEE
Ajukaja (aka Raul Saaremets) is the longest-serving slinger and shaker of the Estonian underground and the figurehead of the weird and wonderful Porridge Bullet label. Mart Avi is the swiftest-moving twilight samurai of outernational avant-pop and a chap with a golden voice. These two giants have been teaming up from time to time to send dance pop off the beaten path by their very own Yellow Brick Road.
Their joint double LP Death of Music hit the tail end of 2024 like a howling bullet at the pivotal moment to make you live thousand lives hearing truths you didn't know you needed to know. This 66-minute sonic statue topped national year-end critics’ polls and has garnered accolades across international press from Electronic Sound to Record Collector and Simon Reynolds' Blissblog