Folk, Folktronica, Global
Sapmi singer and musician Ánnámáret looks back to her ancestors in her music. She is an impressive interpreter and music maker, and also an active member of the Sapmi community living in Nuorgam close to the Arctic Sea. Ánnámáret is surrounded by reindeers and Northern nature, which is an endless source of inspiration to her. She shares the stage with jouhikko (bowed lyre) player Ilkka Heinonen and Turkka Inkilä on electronics; integrated video art by Marja Viitahuhta adds to the live performances. They released the latest album Bálvvosbáiki - Worship (Nordic Notes) in August 2024, where Ánnámáret asks: where are the places for worship in the modern world?
She has been showcased at events such as WOMEX, Mundial Montreal, Nordic Folk Alliance, Nordic Music Days, and for the second time at Tallinn Music Week in 2025.