Art Pop, Electronic, Synthpop

Lucy DreamsAT

In 2025, the music landscape is revolutionized by the evolving interaction between humans and machines. Lucy Dreams embodies this evolution through a unique fusion of analog and digital art, featuring Lucy as an active artificial band member. Their musical concept explores the dynamics between Lucy and the human band members Zero and One, presenting SonicWaveArtPop as both an expressive and entertaining medium that captivates the senses and raises socially relevant questions. Their latest single, “Love,” has redefined their approach to pop music, both sonically and visually. The trio debuted SonicWaveArtPop on stages across Europe, Canada, and the UK, winning the XA Export Award at Waves Vienna. They have performed at ESNS in 2025 and are soon set to take the stage in Canada and Japan.

Soda Pop

Uus Laine