Tallinn Music Week x Infohunt: Creative Youth Hackathon

7 – 9 May, 2021

Are you between the ages of 13 and 26? Want to create something cool and useful? If you like writing, photography, art, music, coming up with digital solutions or design, coming up with ideas or anything of the kind, this creative youth hackathon is for you! 

We’re getting together 100 young people for 48 hours in order to hack answers and create real solutions to the most burning issues for and by young people.

What are we hacking?
This past year has been complicated, and most likely either you’ve felt it yourself or noticed it among friends – more concerns, stress, depression or even hopelessness than back in “normal times”. We’re constantly connected, but at the same time quite alone. That is why this hackathon will focus on mental health and try to figure out how we can support each other through digital means, technology and creativity combined. 

The creative youth hack is for  young people ages 13-26 who:

  • dare to try things they’ve never done before, with the help of others 
  • are interested in creating innovative, smart and multidisciplinary solutions 
  • are ready to develop an idea for 48 hours 
  •  are interested in improving the life of young people in Estonia

Schedule of events 

20 April – 3 May: submitting ideas and applications for the hackathon
4 May: 100 young people will get an invitation to the hackathon
7 May, 6 pm: the participants will break into teams of 3-6, and each team will get a mentor, who will help in defining the problems that will be solved, giving them a clearer content and format 
8 May, 10 am to 9 pm: hacking and developing the digital or creative solution prototype
9 May, 10 am to 5 pm: preparing the presentations
9 May, 5 pm: presenting the results and prototypes, feedback
9 May, 7 pm: voting
9 May, 8 pm to 9 pm: awards and wrap up
29 September to 3 October: TOP 3 projects will be presented/brought to life at the TMW festival

In between the intense bouts of creative work, we will offer exciting performances and refreshing breaks.


Every project that reaches the presentation stage will be awarded! Telia will present participants with Bluetooth earhphones, speakers and battery packs, Viru Keskus with gift cards and TMW with 2021 festival passes.

Of all the completed works, a jury will pick 2-3 projects that will continue development in the spring and summer, working towards a presentation at the TMW festival at the end of September and beginning of October. The organisers and mentors will help develop the award-winning projects. 

How can I join?
Come alone or with a group of friends! Register with an idea or without one! We welcome all!

Fill out this registration form (in Estonian)
The deadline is 3 May, at midnight!

Read more about it at infohunt.ee or tmw.ee. Follow INFOHUNT and TMW on Facebook and Instagram. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write the organisers at info@infohunt.ee.


Infohunt.ee, Tallinn Music Week, Peaasi.ee, Eesti Noorte Vaimse Tervise Liikumine, TalTech, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Georg Otsa nimeline Tallinna Muusikakool, MTÜ APT Game Generator 

Main sponsors: Telia, Viru Keskus

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