ÅÄÖ...Sounds Swedish
ÅÄÖ...Sounds Swedish brings you the hottest and freshest talent from the mighty music scene of Sweden! It also serves as a hub for Swedish music in an international context, so you'll be right at the heart of the action. Get ready to meet the promising newcomers and seasoned stalwarts in the charming Uus Laine bar - from Ohio-born Anthony Mills, who has worked and toured with the greats from Harry Belafonte to Amy Winehouse and KRS-One, to Kolonien, a group in search of a sacred space where you can let things grow, whether it's music, conversations or ourselves.
You can meet us even ahead of the show at the ÅÄÖ reception. You'll be treated to a musical smorgasbord, and learn everything you ever needed to know about the infamous Swedish (and some Estonian) vowels with dots. Don't miss out!
This event is presented in collaboration with Talentcoach, Argle Bargle Studios, Icons Creating Evil Art, MTA Productions, BD Pop & Sensus.