Information for Ukranians arriving in Estonia

Last updated 10 March 2022.

This document has been compiled on the basis of public information. This is not an official document and by all means not a comprehensive overview. We will add more info as we receive it. Sorry for the English version, we have added as many Ukrainian and Russian links as possible. 


Estonian Refugee Council coordinates the evacuation of refugees from the Ukrainian border and donations of goods. On the landing page you can find contacts for evacuation transport, centres in Estonia and donations.
Info in: EnglishEstonian ┃ Ukranian ┃ Russian 

For latest official information regarding Ukrainian nationals in Estonia, visit the Crisis page or call infoline 1247 or +372 600 1247


Coming to Estonia in EnglishRussianEstonian

Staying in Estonia in EnglishRussianEstonian 

The Ministry of Social Affairs has compiled an information page, but sadly it’s in Estonian (use a translate option if possible). Covers all important topics (mostly found in as well).

Ministry of Interior has prepared a document on entering and staying in Estonia for Ukrainian nationals:
In English

The refugee reception centre in Tallinn in English ┃ UkranianRussian

Ukrainian Cultural Centre / Центр Української Культури in EnglishUkranianEstonian
They are currently coordinating a big charity effort and donations. Ukrainian Cultural Centre Facebook page.  


Info from the Estonian Health Insurance Fund about health services provided by the state, doctors’ prescriptions etc. Also includes a list of health centres servicing arriving Ukrainians. In English ┃ RussianEstonian
NB! Additional info can be found in the ministry documents presented before.

Mental health was also mentioned in previous documents, you can also access help and consultations via NGO Peasi. In EnglishRussian ┃ Estonian 


Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Töötukassa) has created a special webpage for job seeking Ukrainians. The offers are very varied. In English ┃ EstonianRussian.

Work in Estonia has compiled a campaign page for Ukrainians (scroll down for job offers).

For jobs within the start-up community download the MeetFrank app.

For opportunities directed to start-up founders and founders wanting to relocate to Estonia, contact the Startup Estonia programme.

For artists: Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art offers free consultations for people working in the field, contact them directly.

For creatives and people in communications. – a platform connecting Ukrainian friends with the EU creative industry. Some of Estonian companies have joined the initiative.

Starting a business. Estonia offers an e-Residency programme, that allows entrepreneurs to run their companies location-independently – as an e-resident you are able to virtually establish and manage your company from anywhere in the world. You can still run your Estonian company even if you go back to Ukraine (access to EU market).


University of Tartu has compiled an information page for Ukrainian students already studying or wanting to study in the university. Includes info on admissions, scholarships etc.

Tallinn University has compiled an information page for Ukrainian students already studying or wanting to study in the university. Includes info on admissions, scholarships etc. In EnglishRussian.

Estonian Academy of Arts offers studying possibilities and accommodation. Admissions for MA programmes have been extended for Ukrainians
Info for student refugees
Info about masters admissions

Tallinn Technical University (TalTech) has compiled an information page for Ukrainian students already studying or wanting to study in the university. Includes info on admissions, scholarships etc.

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