Conference from the Distance: Katrin Isotamm

31 March 2020

Series of interviews with some of our conference speakers 2020
Interview with Katrin Isotamm, Head of Communications for Telia Eesti.

Telia Eesti has been a partner to TMW since 2014. Over these 7 years, the world has changed and our collaboration has evolved. We are proud that today our partnership with Telia stems from joint values in creativity and innovation, equality and Sustainable Development Goals. Be it campaigns to stop cyber bullying or initiatives to launch the Telia’s Daring Goals for Zero CO2 and Zero Waste by 2030 – our partner is always in front line to support society and inspire clients.

We are happy to share Katrin’s thoughts on these challenging times.

#PhysicalDistance #SocialSolidarity

How has the situation affected you / your organization?

Even if we can´t predict the length and depth of the ongoing crisis, one thing is sure – this situation will have a profound impact on every person, company, and society. Telia as a vital telco and IT services´ provider in Estonia has more important role than ever – people need to be able to keep in contact with their close ones, work and ´distantly socialize´ using different digital solutions, kids need to study remotely. Our statistics shows big surges in internet, mobile data and TV content usage of course but also over 50% increase in phone calls! Therefore, we need to put a lot of resources into keeping those needed services up and running undisturbed. It´s not easy on our employees and those in frontline – technicians, shop employees – deserve a special praise for being out there and continuously, bravely helping our customers.

With many concerns and limitations in the current reality, I personally have discovered i need to have long walks over the days to keep my mind clean and more balanced. Mental health is one of those issues that the societies need to be ready to deal with much more deeply and actively going forward, on top of many other consequences.

What is your biggest concern and your highest hope?

My concern is the unpredictability of the situation. The choices we need to make and the timing of those choices. The fundamental liberties that have been taken away – will they be restored unchanged once the pandemic will be under control? Will we ever see the world as it used to be? It certainly did change very fast.

I hope that regardless of the difficult times (or specifically because of those) we as a society will be able to co-exist in better harmony. It starts with small things – everyone can influence their own communications and social media feeds to either help to balance and maybe sooth if possible, or alternatively polarize and radicalize, for example..

A good thing to come out of this crisis is probably that the world will never doubt again the need of best digital solutions. Many new innovative ideas in this corner will emerge incl those that will help to bring communities together, virtually or otherwise, tackle the growing problem of loneliness, and help the ones in need.

What is the role of music, arts and culture in the future? What will change?

More important than ever – to restore ´normality´, to bring positive emotions and needed escape, to unite, to enhance creativity.. And probably this crisis will help many new ways and approaches to be born and the industry to evolve in new directions which can be great.

What is your dream scenario for the future as a result of this?

That the resulting economic downturn will not be as harsh as i fear it´ll be. That we´ll get over it together, the whole ecosystem, in co-operation. That this crisis will teach us to re-appreciate many things we took for granted before, and value human contact more than ever. That new technologies will be put into even more creative use for shared value creation.

In much shorter term, i do hope that TMW will happen in August and be as grand as ever. It´s just a few months to go, can´t wait!