TMW 2024 signature design revealed

21 December 2023 ConferenceMusic Festival

The Tallinn Music Week 2024 signature design was created by Uku-Kristjan Küttis of AKU agency and Vello Lutter. It is the designers’ interpretation of the visual language of the previous festival, a.k.a. the recycling of the TMW 2023 design.

If the TMW 2023 imagery was born as a collaboration between human creativity and AI, then for the coming edition the keywords are clever sustainability with a charmingly punk DIY touch. The flowing tech-plant from 2023 has been sent through a virtual shredder and its shapes and nature motifs dismantled, then bent, filtrated and re-modified. The outcome is elements that resemble organic cables and antennas, which can be repurposed in various ways to transmit musical and cultural vitamins, unique talent and tomorrow’s ideas across the globe.