TMW Quarantine Stories: Enn Laansoo Jr. and Triin-Marie Juss

29 March 2020

We’ll keep sharing our Quarantine Stories. Today, our guests are Triin-Marie Juss, the CEO of our home base, one of the main festival hubs and our important partner and endless source of inspiration Telliskivi Creative City (Telliskivi Loomelinnak) and Enn Laansoo Jr., CEO and co-founder of PAKRI Science and Industrial Park, CEO of ELMO RENT 2.0 and one of the initiators of Paldiski Pühapäev / Paldiski Sunday. Today would have been the first ever Paldiski Sunday, which we can all enjoy now on 30th August in late summer vibes.

What are you listening, watching, reading etc?

Enn: Most of the day I’m working and on the side listening to kids bustling around and asking “what’s this?”, arguing, making noise with their toys, etc. Last week I was keeping an eye on how many infected persons there were, but today that seems too usual somehow. Same thing with newspapers online – thanks to keeping an eye on Postimees and Delfi more, they’ve become boring and it feels like I’ve read everything on the internet.

Work wise, I listen to and I see all kinds of phone calls and e-mails, where people worry about whether and when they’ll get paid. At the other end of that, people make justifications and try to reassure us that we’ll get our money soon.

The most exciting read recently has been an e-mail exchange with friends on the topic of “new opportunities this situation presents”, “how much time things are going to take”, and “how to minimise losses”. Luckily I don’t have a TV at home because that would take up too much attention, so whenever I have a moment of free time ETV on demand recorded shows have proven to be surprisingly good.

Triin-Marie: Instead of the long-awaited TMW concerts, this week I am listening to conference speeches about the crisis. When I need to lift my spirits at the home office, Rita Ray is the one whose music I play the most often.

I finished reading my last book on the day that the emergency situation was declared. It was Berit Kaschan’s Hommikune vahetus (Morning Shift).

That collection of poems, like many other books, by the way, can be ordered for delivery through Bolt from the bookstore Puänt. 🙂

What are you feeling and thinking about in this situation?

Enn: I’ll try to avoid cliches here. Mainly, I feel that now I, we and they have the opportunity to make some real changes in our lives – whether it means even after quarantine continuing with home deliveries, energy efficiency, renewable energy, ride sharing decisions, etc. I’m also thinking about how I must be lucky, because I am ready for these decisions with all my services and products, and then I think about how to communicate and offer all that now.

2 days ago I was thinking about whether a 6-year-old needs a new suitcase for travelling – is that even a reasonable gift anymore or should I give something more essential. When would we even travel again (and if we travel, probably more domestically, but then you don’t need a suitcase). At the same time, soon travelling should be even more affordable than it was before…

Triin-Marie: Insignificant things seem increasingly insignificant and the important things keep getting more important.

What kind of future are you dreaming of?

Enn: I’d like to leave that answer on simmer for a little while longer, but in the meantime, my thoughts are moving towards how during this crisis I’m seeing a lot of new directions/activities/reactions that I would like to see carry over into the future. Whether it is the “hands on” communication with the state in developing crisis measures (why not in the future as well talk to a deputy chancellor and find a solution to my problems); or whether it is the “more creative new solutions” direction; whether it is the next level of communities, etc., etc.

Triin-Marie: Having gotten over the initial panic, I sense that there are so many innovative ideas in the air and inside people. I dream of a restart so that these brilliant ideas could start coming to life.