TMW Quarantine Stories: Erli Kasikov, Pärtel Vurma and Raik Ilves

02 April 2020

Today, the guests of our Quarantine Stories are our dear super-assistant Erli Kasikov who is an absolute role model for all of us in TMW team and Pärtel Vurma and Raik Ilves from highly-awarded design bureau Velvet that is behind our website Read below what they are listening, reading, thinking and feeling in the current situation.

What are you listening, watching, reading etc?

Erli: I’m taking the opportunity to cross things off my never-ending “to-watch” list. I recently finished the second season of the documentary series Explained. One of the episodes coincidentally included a discussion on the next global pandemic, which was especially strange to watch now. Very conveniently, episodes of the new season of Better Call Saul are also coming out at just the right time.

Naturally being at home all day every day, I’m now listening to even more music, catching up on all the new releases and rediscovering old favourites. At the end of the last 3 years I have made a playlist of my favourite music from that particular year and I’ve wanted for a while now to look back and compile them for previous years as well. The unusual extra time right now has finally given me the push I needed. I started with 2011, that playlist is ready, 5 more years to go. There’s now also time to just sit on the floor for hours on end and put together jigsaw puzzles. It helps to completely turn off your thoughts for a while from everything that’s going on. If I’m lucky, I’m also expecting to get the urge to sort through and organise all my cupboards and drawers any day now.

Pärtel: I listen and watch other people I interact with daily. I read emails and other communication channels. I’m trying to keep up my team’s spirits. I use the media a couple of times a day to keep up with developments, but not to overload myself.

Raik: Our family starts its day with Mura Masa & slowthai – Deal Wiv It. It sets the day off right. A recent release from the Chicago free jazz group Irreversible Entanglements called Who Sent You has been playing for a few days as a soundtrack for working.

What are you feeling and thinking about in this situation?

Erli: Honestly it’s still difficult to put thoughts and feelings into words. There is so much happening, so fast and all the time that it’s hard to keep up or even formulate comprehensive opinions. It feels like life was just suddenly put on pause indefinitely. On the one hand it’s an opportunity to be able to take some time off and do things that there’s normally not enough time for, but on the other hand the circumstances are obviously worrying. The uncertainty and unpredictability of what’s happening is making me feel restless and anxious. I really hope people realise the seriousness of the situation, act more considerately towards each other and consciously contribute towards a common goal for it all to be over as soon as possible.

Pärtel: What I think about most is how my colleagues and loved ones feel, what fears they have and how I can best support them.

Raik: Which grocery store has a functional home delivery service right now?

What kind of future are you dreaming of?

Erli: I’m hopeful for a future where it’s all behind us, where we’ve come out the other end of the tunnel but haven’t forgotten the lessons we’ve learned. People are more conscious, understanding, caring, creative, calm, and do not take anything for granted.

Pärtel: I dream of a future where people are prepared for similar crises. Not materially ready, but just spiritually ready. Ready to make difficult, but important decisions. Ready to change their mindsets, business models, attitudes and perceptions of the world, and stay positive and curious about it. Ready to evolve, learn, experiment. Ready to understand, accept, and help others.

Raik: A concert, where you could comfortably stand next to other people and enjoy great music.